Steven pounders md dallas
Dr. Steven Pounders, MD is a board certified internist in Dallas, Texas. He is affiliated with Baylor University Medical Center, William P. Clements, Jr. University Hospital, and Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.
Please review your NPI data to ensure that it is correct and to remove any inappropriate Steven M. Pounders, M.D. has earned its place as one of the best clinics in Dallas. Specializing in both adult primary care and HIV treatment, Dr. Pounders and his staff have been treating patients for over 25 years. Their demonstrated commitment to delivering quality care ensures that every patient is treated with compassion and respect. Steven Pounders (Dallas, Texas) Doctor Profile on, practicing in Internal Medicine. Steven Pounders MD. Steven Marlo Pounders, MD. 3500 Oak Lawn DiscoverInternist in DALLAS from Steven M Pounders MD PLLC today. Learn more about Internist options from CareCredit™ Steven M. Pounders, M.D. Best HIV Specialists and Adult Primary Care in Dallas, Texas.
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Dr. Steven M. Pounders MD has an overall patient experience rating of 4.4 out of 5, which was calculated from 97 reviews compiled from online sources. Dr. Steven Pounders, MD is a board certified internist in Dallas, Texas. He is affiliated with Baylor University Medical Center, William P. Clements, Jr. University Hospital, and Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. Home > United States > Dallas, TX > Steven M Pounders MD Steven M Pounders MD A medical practice that is over 30 years old in the heart of the Oak Lawn and Uptown areas of Dallas. Primary Care Providers, HIV Specialists Dr. Steven M Pounders is a Internist - General practicing in Dallas, TX He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Dr. Pounders graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
Home > United States > Dallas, TX > Steven M Pounders MD Steven M Pounders MD A medical practice that is over 30 years old in the heart of the Oak Lawn and Uptown areas of Dallas. …
Learn more about Internist options from CareCredit™ Steven M. Pounders, M.D. Best HIV Specialists and Adult Primary Care in Dallas, Texas. 26 reviews of Steven M Pounders, MD "Dr Pounders first began practicing in Dallas under Brady Allen in the late 1980's when immune system deaths were at their worst. He was trained by the best available then and has continued his pursuit of best in class care for those so affected. from John January 8, 2018 for Steven M. Pounders, MD I have been Dr. Steven M Pounders for about 2 years now, and a MDVIP client for a year.
About Steven M Pounders Md Pllc. Steven M Pounders Md Pllc is a group practice with 1 location. Currently, Steven M Pounders Md Pllc specializes in Family Medicine, General Practice, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner with 6 physicians.
Contact information for Steven Pounders, MD. Get the healthcare you need from a medical professional you can trust when you search for a doctor, physician or health provider on the Southwestern Health Resources website. Dallas, Texas 75219-4369 (214) 520-8833. Directions. Schedule Appointment. Steven M. Pounders, M.D., PLLC. 3500 Oak Lawn Dr. Steven M. Pounders is a Internist in Dallas, TX. Find Dr. Pounders's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. Steven M Pounders MD is a medical group practice located in Dallas, TX that specializes in Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) and Physician Assistant (PA).
Primary Care Providers, HIV Specialists Dr. Steven M Pounders is a Internist - General practicing in Dallas, TX He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Dr. Pounders graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. He completed his residency and internship at Baylor College of Medicine in Dr. Steven M. Pounders was born and raised in Dallas, TX and graduated from Dr. Steven Pounders, MD is a Internal Medicine Specialist in Dallas, TX and has over 36 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from University Learn more about Steven M. Pounders, MD, Internal Medicine doctor in Dallas TX and how their MDVIP practice can provide you fully personalized primary care . 26 reviews of Steven M Pounders, MD "Dr Pounders first began practicing in Dallas under Brady Allen in the late 1980's when immune system deaths were at Steven M Pounders MD, Dallas, Texas.
Business Profile Steven Pounders MD. Medical Doctor. Business Profile. Steven Pounders MD… Steven M Pounders MD, PLLC 3500 Oak Lawn Avenue , Suite 600 , Dallas , TX 75219 The Best HIV Doctor in Dallas Self-verified patient of Steven Pounders - Posted on February 17th, 2019 I have been HIV + since 1990. It has been 29/59 years in his care.
26 reviews of Steven M Pounders, MD "Dr Pounders first began practicing in Dallas under Brady Allen in the late 1980's when immune system deaths were at their worst. He was trained by the best available then and has continued his pursuit of best in class care for those so affected. from John January 8, 2018 for Steven M. Pounders, MD I have been Dr. Steven M Pounders for about 2 years now, and a MDVIP client for a year. I have had HIV 29 years and by far this doctor is the best care I have ever received. Dr. Steven Pounders, MD is a Internal Medicine Specialist in Dallas, TX and has over 36 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston medical school in 1985. He has indicated that he accepts telehealth appointments.
He lists the following medical group affiliations: Steven M Pounders Md Pllc. 3 local business owners recommend Steven M Pounders, MD PlLC. Visit this page to learn about the business and what locals in Central Dallas have to say. This webpage represents 1669712261 NPI record. The 1669712261 NPI number is assigned to the healthcare provider “STEVEN M POUNDERS MD PLLC”, practice location address at “3500 OAK LAWN AVE STE 600 DALLAS, TX, 75219-4369”.
Friendly, caring and concerned about my health and well-being. Call Dr. Steven M Pounders on phone number (214) 520-8833 for more information and advice or to book an appointment. 3500 Oak Lawn Ste 600 Dallas, TX 75219-4308 (214) 520-8833 Physician Assistant at Steven M. Pounders, MD, PA Dallas/Fort Worth Area 148 connections.
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26 reviews of Steven M Pounders, MD "Dr Pounders first began practicing in Dallas under Brady Allen in the late 1980's when immune system deaths were at their worst. He was trained by the best available then and has continued his pursuit of best in class care for those so affected.
Dallas, Texas 75219-4369 (214) 520-8833. Directions. Schedule Appointment. Steven M. Pounders, M.D., PLLC. 3500 Oak Lawn Dr. Steven M. Pounders is a Internist in Dallas, TX. Find Dr. Pounders's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.