C-explorer 3 ponorné
Jun 16, 2014 · Bringing you so much closer to an intimate submarine experience is the C-Explorer 3 Submersible from U-Boat Worx. Able to cruise at 1000 meters below the surface, this incredible vehicle features a 360-degree acrylic pressure hull with top hatch allowing for breathtaking panoramic views, with operating endurance able to reach the 16-hour mark.
Able to cruise at 1000 meters below the surface, this incredible vehicle features a 360-degree acrylic pressure hull with top hatch allowing for breathtaking panoramic views, with operating endurance able to reach the 16-hour mark. C-Explorer 3.11 submersible successfully certified in KSRC. By order of Russian Geographic Society (RGS) Centre of Underseas Exploration, Deepwater Tank of the KSRC successfully performed a scheduled annual certification of C-Explorer 3.11 manned underwater vehicle (developed by Dutch company U-Boat Worx), says Krylov State Research Center in its press release. Компания U-Boat Worx известна созданием технологически продвинутых аппаратов, одним из которых является 3-х местная субмарина C-Explorer 3. Корпус подводной Ponorné odstředivé čerpadlo PEDROLLO řada TOP MULTI je osazeno plovákovým spínačem (ochrana proti chodu na sucho) a je chlazené čerpanou kapalinou, proto nemusí být celé ponořené. Min. úroveň hladiny vody je 22 mm. Max. velikost nečistot 1,3 mm - proto … Найдите всю необходимую информацию о товаре: подводный аппарат для частного использования C-EXPLORER 3 компании U-Boat Worx B.V..
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Syntax Explorer.exe options Options /n Open a new single-pane window for the default selection. [C] Explorer. By Adalfyre Watch. 122 Favourites. 0 Comments. 1K Views. Grace for DrakeTheKing Collab with Tanatris who did the background render for this piece!
Aboard the Crystal Esprit - Luxury Cruiseliner is an U-Boat Worx C-Explorer 3 submarine which can take guests to dives up to 300 meters deep.For more informa
31 January 1958: Orbited Explorer-I satellite weighing 30.66 pounds with 18.35 pounds of payload, perigee 224 miles, apogee 1,575 miles. Still in orbit (1965).
Umožňují částečně plošné sání až do 3 mm, jednoduché vyčerpání a přečerpání vody z bazénu, rybníku, cisterny a barelu na dešťovou vodu a zatopených sklepů i například odebrání vody z jezer, Ponorné čerpadlo na čistou vodu SUB 10000 DS Comfort
The payload consisted of a cosmic ray counter (a Geiger-Müller tube) and a micrometeorite detector (a wire grid array and acoustic detector). Ponorná čerpadla. Ponorná čerpadla mohou být zcela nebo částečně ponořena do čerpané kapaliny. Jsou určena pro čerpání čisté nebo mírně znečištěné vody.Pro odvodňování nebo přečerpávání z nádrže, sudu nebo bazénu lze využít malá univerzální čerpadla s nízkou dopravní výškou. Potřebujeme-li čerpat vodu z větší hloubky (kopaná studna), na Ak máte na záhrade hlbokú studňu alebo nádrž a radi by ste touto vodou, ktorá je zadarmo, zavlažovali svoju záhradu, potom je pre vás tým pravým riešením ponorné tlakové čerpadlo 5500/3 od spoločnosti GARDENA.
C-EXPLORER 3 Sitting behind the controls of a C-Explorer 3 is among the most thrilling adventures anyone could imagine. Witnessing underwater life first hand with this submarine with its 360° panoramic view can only be described as “out of this world”. The industry’s widest largest acrylic sphere is the center of the C-Explorer 3 design. This window – officially called a “NEMO viewport” – provides and undistorted view to the subsea world and is specially fabricated in the United Kingdom for U-Boat Worx. THE LATEST NEWS FROM u-boat worx SUBSCRIBE BY EMAIL. Subscribe. Copyright & Legal; Sitemap The C-Explorer 3 Submersible, a full 360-degree acrylic pressure hull vessel, offers a unique around view to the 3 passengers, at 1,000 meters depth.
Reference C-Explorer 3 Model. Condition: New product. Tap or hover to zoom . Next Previous Expand. Skip navigation Sign in. Search GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS of the new C-EXPLORER 3 Submersible Occupants – 1 pilot + 2 passengers Maximum operating depth – 100 metre/330 feet up to 1,000 metres /3,300 feet Operational Autonomy – up to 8 hours, optional up to 16 hours Depths of up to 300 metres can be explored from the C-Explorer 3 submersible, winner of the Red Dot Design Award 2015.
accessible through the top-hatch . can accommodate two passengers and a pilot . the u-boat worx c-explorer 3 at the 2014 monaco Like the C-Explorer 2, the 3 can dive to depths of up to 1,000 m (3,300 ft) for periods of up to 8 hours, with an option of 16 hours also available. C-Explorer 3 Tag. Home > C-Explorer 3. December 29 2016. Yacht Toys for Mega Yacht Owners. Personal Submarines emerged for the never-ending quest of excitement sought after by the elite mega yacht owners.
THE LATEST NEWS FROM u-boat worx SUBSCRIBE BY EMAIL. Subscribe. Copyright & Legal; Sitemap The C-Explorer 3 Submersible, a full 360-degree acrylic pressure hull vessel, offers a unique around view to the 3 passengers, at 1,000 meters depth. Exploration, salvage, archeology, biology, inspection, maintenance, filming. Optional equipment is ready to fit your needs: the C-Explorers can carry tools that allow scientists to work.
[C] Explorer. By Adalfyre Watch. 122 Favourites. 0 Comments. 1K Views.
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Ak máte vo svojej záhrade studňu, určite budete potrebovať kvalitné a výkonné čerpadlo. Nahliadnite do našej ponuky, kde nájdete ponorné čerpadlo, čerpadlo na …
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